
Real people, real results.

We aim to bring our clients the highest level of professionalism, expertise and knowledge in helping them to achieve their health and fitness goals. We achieve this by building and maintaining relationships with our customers, which is why we are not ‘just a gym’. Our belief is that every client is different. Our service culture starts when you make an inquiry. It is through our service culture, attention to detail and the results we achieve with our members, that we have ensured our place as leaders in our industry.

Personal Training

Research shows that of all the people who exercise, only 25% get the results they are looking for. Out of those people who do get results, 90% used a Personal Trainer (IHRSA)”. So what are you waiting for?

You will get results FAST with one of our Personal Training Systems, developed by Amanda Coombe, five times Tasmanian Fitness Professional of the Year.

Hiring a trainer is the best investment you can make in your health and well being, especially in terms of creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

A personal trainer will help you achieve real results, especially if:

  • You need extra motivation
  • You want to improve your exercise technique
  • You want to know what exercises are best for you and your posture
  • You want to break out of your current “fitness plateau”
  • You want to see results quickly
  • You are new to exercise and / or the gym, and need professional guidance
  • Or one of many outcomes that are PERSONAL to you.

What should you look for when choosing a personal trainer?

A good Personal Trainer should be able to train people in most areas, whether they want to lose weight, gain muscle, train for a ‘fun run’ or recover from an injury.

Look for a Personal Trainer with a track record of success who has been referred to you by someone who has achieved results. At Personal Best Fitness all our personal trainers are Certified Level 4 and registered with Fitness Australia, some also have the Diploma of Fitness.

GREAT people skills and great teaching skills, because essentially we are teachers. Personal trainers need to be passionate, listen, have empathy, be perceptive and also be ‘firm’ at times. It’s not always an easy job to help people change when most people are resistant to change. Sometimes we work with a person who doesn’t want to do what they need to do – that’s where a trainer motivates you to work through the barrier.
Our typical client trains once a week, but we also have a range of clients who train once a month, and others who train up to 3 days a week with a personal trainer. It really depends upon the type of results you want to achieve and how quickly you want to achieve them. Each person is different, and our trainers can provide you with the best plan for your needs. Our sessions are usually one hour, however this depends on your needs, financial situation and availability.
Training with a personal trainer once a month is for people who are well established in an exercise routine and want to have their program adjusted, so they are continually challenging their body, staying motivated and achieving results. It’s like having a coach rather than a personal trainer. If they have questions they ring us, if they are unsure of anything they ring us. They fill in a training and food diary and we give them feedback and direction. We ensure their program is appropriate to their goals and that they are getting maximum gain for their effort.
We offer small group training this means a qualified personal trainer works with you in a group of 6 to 8 to ensure that you received personalized service and that you are performing your exercises correctly and losing those unwanted kilos. You will save money by working with a personal trainer in a small group environment and sharing the cost with others. Currently we have Better Butt, Abs and Thighs, Lose 6kg in 6 weeks, The Hour of Power, Sweat n Chat, Metabolic Burn, Overcoming Neck and Back Pain and Fit Kids. Booking are essential.
A gym instructor assists people in the use of gym equipment and then leave them to do their own training. When working with a client a personal trainer is going to address everything that will have a direct result on how their client looks, feels and functions.
Overall there are three things we work on: 1. how people look, 2. how you feel and 3. how you function. Most people, if they were totally honest, are more concerned about what they look like than how healthy they are. Most people who come to us want to be trimmer, leaner, have more muscle definition and improved fitness, strength and posture. We can also help clients achieve specific fitness goals, from running a personal best time in a fun run, to passing the demanding physical tests for the Police or Fire brigade, or even competing at an elite level in their chosen sport.
We take into account your exercise time, lifestyle, habits, thinking, behaviour, outlook, belief and attitude because changing your body is changing your thinking as well. Unfortunately most people who lose weight put it back on, those who get fit become un-fit again, and most people who achieve something in relation to health and fitness will lose it again. When you come to us for the first time we are interested in how we can help you make a permanent life change, not just how to get you in shape for summer. In the first session, we will usually go through a comprehensive fitness appraisal, but that depends on you. We teach everyone differently but have a procedure and a protocol which is: finding out who you are, what your background and history is, what are your needs, what you want to achieve, why you are here, how many times you have tried to get in shape, what happened the last few times, whether or not you have had a personal trainer before or joined a gym before. We still have women coming in saying they are not going to lift weights because they will end up looking big. Sometimes the problem is 90% mental and 10% physical. One of the key reasons people go into various programs and clinics is in hope the problem will be fixed by someone else, we can provide the motivation and support to help you achieve your goals.
Anyone who struggles to get results, stay motivated or disciplined and that is three quarters of the population. There are some people that just need direction, because they are motivated but are doing inappropriate exercise.
No you don’t. We can visit you at your home or meet you for an outdoors session. We will suggest what will help you achieve your goals best.

“I have lost 16kg in 6 months and dropped 3 sizes in trousers.”

Pauline Rowan

Real people, real results

Change happens when you ‘run’ out of excuses.

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Forever Active

You may go grey, but that doesn’t mean that your lifestyle has to!

What is Forever Active?

Forever Active is a low impact exercise program designed specifically for the mature adult.It provides the motivation to get back into physical activity in a safe, friendly and non-threatening environment.

This low-to-moderate intensity exercise program is designed for people who are living with health conditions or want to start or maintain an exercise program that allows them to exercise at their own pace.

The classes are suitable for those living with a health condition or who want to start or maintain an exercise program.

The classes are taught by highly qualified instructors specially trained and are registered fitness professional with Fitness Australia

At Personal Best we offer four classes each week that will help you increase your strength and be less dependent on aids, improve your bone density and your balance.

Five reasons why you should be Forever Active:

  1. Exercising for as little as 15 minutes, three days a week reduces the risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s by 40%.
  2. Men and women aged 65 years and older who exercise have a lower risk of losing mobility.
  3. Active women aged between 54 and 79 years have a 30% less chance of suffering from incontinence than less active women.
  4. Exercise can significantly reduce arthritic pain.
  5. Fit people have a death rate four times lower than the unfit.
Did you know that exercising for as little as 20 minutes, three times a week reduces your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s by 40%.
Research shows that taking part in a regular program of physical activity can help:
  • Better control your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugars
  • Increase your bone density
  • Manage your weight
  • Improve well being and quality of life
  • Improve balance and flexibility
  • Improve sleep
  • Prevent falls and injuries from falls

Up to 30% off seniors memberships

Our Forever Active program provides low impact exercise for the mature adult.

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“To be pain free and feeling and functioning well at 70 is fabulous.”

Maureen Coombe

Small Group Personal Training

Whether you have a specific goal in mind, need extra motivation or would like to add variety to your current exercise routine, our small group personal training programs allow you to achieve fantastic results in an affordable way. We offer programs to suit all peoples’ needs including our highly successful ‘Lose 6 kgs in 6 weeks program.’ Metabolic Burn ‘Overcoming back, neck and shoulder pain’, Abs, butts and thighs’ or using the Vipr or kettlebell.

How can you get GREAT results now?

There are two ways either small group personal training or individual Personal Training. You have likely heard about small group personal training or you may have held others raving about it but you may not be sure about how you will benefit for it. Your first step is to clarify your health and fitness goals. These may have changed and may include weight loss or toning, pain reduction, sport performance training, or improved balance and stability.

Small Group Personal Training allows you access to a schedule of set small group sessions which are designed to satisfy a diverse range of peoples’ objectives and capabilities, ranging for more gentle controlled Pilates to advanced and strength and cardio sessions. Most groups are 6 weeks allowing you time to progress and gain results.

Small Group Personal Training:
  • I prefer training with others rather than on my own
  • I like a social element to my training
  • I like to save money
  • I need a schedule to stick to
  • I need structure around my workout program
  • I need assistance with my technique
  • I need to be pushed and/or motivated
  • I like one of the specialised sessions e.g. Abs – Butts and Thighs, Pilates, Hour of Power and Group Functional Fitness etc.

If you would like to know which format is best for you make a time to have a free consultant so we can steer you in the right direction.

What the Personal trainers say;

“Some clients are quite competitive, and working out with like-minded members really pushes them that bit further,” says Kate.

For others, it works the opposite way “A few ladies have become convinced that they have the worst coordination in the world. When they exercise with friends, they realize that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and they are not as bad as they first thought!” says Shiela

“There is no way that these guys would be still exercising twice a week after 10 plus years, these guys have families and businesses and enjoy the stress release and camaraderie that the group brings”. Colin

“Exercise is much easier when you are part of a group.”

Sheena Reeves

Get started now

Our small group personal training programs allow you to achieve fantastic results in an affordable way.

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Functional Movement & Injury Rehabilitation

This takes personal training one step further . . . whether it’s your neck, knee, shoulder or back, We teach you to activate muscles that require strengthening and stretch tight muscles, in order for you to work towards pain free movement again. These strategies will help you manage your pain and or injury and return to or close to full function.

Most people know that regular physical activity is good for their health. But you don’t have to exercise at a vigorous level to achieve health benefits.

“My results were immediate and I now have confidence in my body.”

Heather Cartledge

Reduce your pain now.

The ‘correct’  exercises will have you moving pain free.

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We are Tasmania’s most awarded Fitness Business and the second most awarded Fitness Business in Australia.