Comfort, Fear and Growth Zones.

Comfort, Fear and Growth Zones

What do these 4 zones mean when we are thinking about lifestyle change? In the current climate, we are finding ourselves in many situations that are requiring us to simply find another way.

It is likely that many of you have had to make some sort of life change recently.  Below is a very simple way of looking at the why’s of these processes, tips to help you be successful in making this change and in turn enabling you to reduce the stress and anxiety surrounding such choices.

Change can be challenging but not changing is harder the longer you leave it.  We are not saying you need to make changes, but it is likely that we all can improve some aspect of our lives.  Whether this is building muscle, modifying weaknesses, or developing an entirely new facet of yourself, it is always good to re-evaluate your health and fitness goals and allow change and understand that this, although scary at times, is all OK!

Below is a diagram from the “Coaching Institute”.  It is useful as it helps to breakdown and understand the process we go through when facing change or situations that we may fear.  Do we immediately look at the situation as a red light and jump back to the comfort zone or do we break down and understand the situation and grab it with both hands to use for personal and professional learning and growth?

We are all capable of change.  It takes a bit of work and a willingness to face our fears head on.

Lifestyle change is one of the hardest changes to make.  It takes approximately 21 days to build a habit and to have it feel like a normal occurrence.  Lifestyle change should encourage positive change in our lives.  Too often we think a lifestyle change is removing something unhealthy from our lives instead of adding something that is healthy or good for us.  For example, instead of worrying about the snacks you have during the day, why not add in some avocado or boiled egg into your morning tea break? This focus is on the positive aspect rather than the negative.

Below are some tools to help you succeed.

  1. Before starting your “change” write down where you are currently in your life. Are you happy with how it is going?  Write down why you want to make the change and then write down the benefits it is going to have for you.  This will help you to reach your “Growth Zone.”


2. Create structured daily activities that lead you towards your overall goal. Structured daily activities can remove the excuses.  Moreover, if you are focused on the activities you won’t worry about any external factors that may creep into your though process and shift you back to your comfort zone.


  1. Start to be aware of how you react in any given situation. Do you fold your arms often when talking to people about what you have done or doing, or do you stand tall and in a strong posture?  When you are aware of these different mannerisms you can expand your comfort zone by not being so reactive or affected by others’ opinions. Can you respond rather than react?


  1. Track your progress so you can see your new healthy habits. This helps you to find purpose and conquer objectives.  I suggest celebrating your new healthy habits, not by going back to the ‘bad’ habit just once, but by doing something new.

A change can be a reinvention of yourself.  How exciting would it be for you to find that side of you that lifts weights, light or heavy, that person that can get up every morning and go for a walk before the day truly starts?  Imagine reinventing yourself to the place where there are no barriers…because your body can keep up with you.

All the best.

Fran Sullivan

Master Personal Trainer

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