A New Way to STOP the Weight Loss Struggle?

As personal trainers we are constantly asked:
  • What is the best diet to lose weight?
  • Which exercises are best to flatten my stomach?
  • What foods are best for me to eat?
  • I’ve been eating fruit for breakfast is that good for me?
And the list goes on. Having been in the fitness industry for 30+ years and worked with many clients whose primary goal is weight loss.  I often wonder if exercise didn’t burn calories, what percentage of exercisers would keep exercising? Over the past 23 years at Personal Best Fitness, we have helped hundreds of members lose thousands of kilos and most importantly keep the kilos off.  We have done this with a dual edged sword of exercise and dietary modification. We’ve always looked for the most effective exercise and dietary changes. Having spent most of my working life in the fitness industry, I have observed and even trained in several approaches to weight loss. If I’m being honest, I am horrified at some of the dietary advise that was given when I started in this industry and other so called well published recommended dietary guidelines prescribe.  However, science has evolved and there are now better and newer approaches to dietary advice. I’m not a dietitian nor a nutritionist, but I have observed the following as great strategies for weight loss.
  • Limit alcohol or cut it out altogether
  • Reduce white and yellow foods from your food intake, start with
    • Bread, cereal, and muesli
    • Rice, pasta, and couscous
    • All fruit apart from a handful of blueberries every other day
    • Avoid cakes, biscuits, chocolate, and lollies
    • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day
    • Priotise protein at each meal and as a snack
    • Eat slowly and put your knife and folk down whilst eating your meal
    • Go to bed slightly hungry
    • Fast . . . have 12 hours where no food is consumed once a day., i.e., if your finishing eating at 7.30pm, then don’t eat until after 7.30am or better still eat when you are hungry!
There would likely be people with a string of formal dietary qualifications that may have different views, however experience has shown that these simple and easy to follow ‘guidelines’ do achieve real weight loss, in fact about .5 kg per week for those with 8 or more kilos to loss. Put bluntly, it’s not fat that is making us fat, but rather sugar… or any food or drink that converts to sugar in your blood…. healthy or not! Weight loss is often made so complex and can be confusing as the recommendations change so often, just have a look at your home library and see how many diet books you have in the bookcase? So, if you are serious about weight loss give these a go for the next 4 weeks and let me know how it goes, I would love to hear about your triumphs and for you to be another Personal Best Fitness success story. Give it a go . . . what have you got to lose, just a few kilos! Or if you would like some support with weight loss, this month we are launching our new dietflex 1 on 1 private online weight loss coaching. If it is time to put yourself first, we are offering a few special ‘6-week kickstart weight loss’ packages right now. We only have space for 12 weight loss clients for our founder member offer. If you’re at your ideal weight but know someone, member or not, who may be interested, just forward this email to them. Would you like some more information on how it works? Text Yes to 0419 337 397. I’ll then organise a Zoom session to show you exactly how it works. Amanda Coombe Master Personal Trainer Dietflex Weight Loss Coach
Personal Trainer Hobart Food Christmas

12 Days of Christmas Tips

Throughout the year we work at keeping to routine, exercising regularly and making appropriate food choices.  During the festive season there are many temptations and we can ‘undone’ much of our years good work.  

Here are tips to help you ‘maintain your gains’ during the month of December.


1. Stay Active

Staying Active over the silly season is a great way to stay on top of your goals. Your body doesn’t know what time of year it is, so keep exercising, you will be happier and healthier for it.  

2. Keep Hydrated

In between the Christmas cheer make a deliberate attempt to drink water.Not only will this help to keep you hydrated but increase your ability to get the most out of your muscles during the next workout you do.  

3. Enjoy

Allow yourself to enjoy your Christmas lunch and or dinner. This shouldn’t be a stressful time for you if you are focused on weight loss.  Enjoy your food on Christmas Day, just don’t continue on the ‘merriness’ of it for days afterwards.  

4. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.Lao Tzu.

Think for a moment about the things you domake time for… your health and quality of life can be scheduled in somewhere.  

5. Short Term Goals

Set yourself some. Make them SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.  

6. Plan Ahead

If you are travelling during the festive season, eat something before you go to avoid stopping for fast food. Take a bottle of water in the car with you so you can hydrate as you go.  

7. Set Realistic Plans

Make time for yourself. Cramping too much in can stress and drain you.  

8. Suggest Healthy alternatives as gifts

If someone asks you what they can buy you for Christmas, why not suggest a walk along the beach instead, a swim at the pool.  

9. This is OK

If you receive that box of chocolates, re-gift them…this is ok…or share them with your visitors.

10. Be Mindful

Eating for the sake of eating is something we do often. Especially in times of celebration.  Be mindful of the amount of food you are eating and when you are eating it.  Ask yourself . . . am I hungry?  

11. Book a Personal training session

Whether it be for a program up date to start the New Year or to ensure you do some exercise in the break. It is a great way to stay strong.  

12. “The best thing about time is that it comes one day at a time– Abraham Lincoln

We can achieve the most amazing goals if we take things a step at a time.   Fran Sullivan Master Personal Trainer

The Takeaways on SUGAR

Hidden Sugar comes in many forms

Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose, Ga-lactose, Lactose, Maltose etc, but not all of these different types of sugar effect our health in the same way. There are at least 61 different names for sugar that can be used on the packaging of products to disguise it from the consumer. Solution: limit or avoid packaged foods where possible. Certain types of sugar have been linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, certain types of cancer, insomnia, obesity, metabolic syndrome just to name a few. In the average Western diet added sugar alone accounts for around 450 calories a day, or 1850 kilojoules, and these calories not only come with NO other nutrients but can effect your hormonal balance in a negative way. Your whole body will be thankful for reducing your sugar intake, in particular your liver and digestive system. Low-fat and ‘lite’ foods often have added sugar to enhance the flavour and make the products palatable. Check the label. Shop in the outside of the supermarket and avoid the isles. 80% of their weight-loss success comes from eating the right food. When dietary fat, supplemented by good quality protein and consumed along with abundant vegetables the bodies nutritional requirements are met. This reduces harmful reactions to food, such as see-sawing blood sugar levels. hidden-sugars Follow the 80/20 rule: Make good choices 80% of the time and the occasional slip-up will not be too much cause for concern. Eat like it’s 1934. Go back to the way your grandparents used to eat. Meat and three veg, real butter, the whole egg. At Personal Best Fitness we have had GREAT success in facilitating the weight loss of 100’s of clients due to our simple and effective weight loss guidelines.     Written by Amanda Coombe who is considered a national expert in lifestyle coaching and personal training having 5 times been a finalist in the Australian Personal Trainer of the Year award. She is the founder of Personal Best Fitness, Tasmania’s Fitness Business of the Year and is recognized as a leader in corporate health programs. Her corporate clients include Nyrstar, Tasmanian Collection Services, RACT, Hydro Tasmania, Norske Skog, Parliament House, Tasmanian Audit Office, SEMF and Tasmanian Fire Service.